Fequently Asked Questions
Chatting with family and friends can be very helpful and supportive. However it can be difficult to be really honest about how we are feeling and we can have concerns about how others will react or that we may upset them. A Counsellor will listen to you and respond objectively with the sole aim of helping you. A Counsellor is trained to help you identify, understand and manage your emotions.
It is beneficial for your counselling process to have regular weekly session but I am able to offer flexible appointment times within the week to enable you to manage other commitments.
Counselling is a confidential process for the Counsellor. If you find it helpful to talk to others about your counselling that is fine. My Privacy Policy is on the website which gives details about how I deal
with your information.
The short answer is no. At the assessment we discuss your reasons for coming to counselling and what you want to achieve.
Thereafter I will review how it is going for you every 6 sessions. If however you decide that you want to stop at any time before or in between reviews you can do so.